I Will Give You Living Water
Monastic Vocation Weekend
Friday Evening November 23rd
Sunday Morning November 25th
Chapel Lake at Glenstal Abbey
An opportunity for men of ages 22 to 45 to find out more about monastic life and to listen to God’s call by sharing the rhythm of the monastic day in prayer, silence, reading, work and community life. There will be some reflection together on the monastic vocation, some input from the monks and an opportunity to speak one-to-one with a monk.
This might be for you:
If you feel attracted to monastic life and wonder whether it might be for you;
If you have thought sometimes that God might be calling you to religious life, but have hesitated to take the first step;
If you would like the support of a small group as you enquire about monastic vocation.
To apply for a place or to find out more, email Vocations@glenstal.org or write to Fr Columba McCann OSB, Glenstal Abbey, Murroe, Co Limerick. If you wish to apply for a place, please do so at least a week in advance, that is, by Friday 16th November.
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