Programs & Resources

Samuel Groups

Are you ready for a faith-filled journey?

Samuel Groups take their name from the story of the Prophet Samuel told in Chapter 3 of the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament. Samuel, still a young boy, hears a voice call him by name and thinks it is the voice of the priest Eli. At first Eli does not realise what is happening but when the call is repeated a number of times he recognises that this is the voice of God. He tells Samuel that when he next hears the voice he should answer, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” The story of Samuel’s Vocations begins…

Who are Samuel Groups suitable for?

Samuel Groups are for single young adults (18-30’s), who are wondering what God is calling them to do with their lives. The aim is to help participants discern their direction in life, whether this is to marriage or dedicated single life, to priesthood or consecrated life. It would also suit those who are making decisions about their career, or about spending time as a missionary or volunteer.

All those who take part, grow their understanding of what it is to make decisions as a Christian; the main aim is that participants will end the programme with a clearer view of God’s will for their life.

What time commitment is involved?

Participants take time to Listen to God and His Word speaking to their life. They commit to attending monthly meetings with the Group and to meeting individually with a spiritual guide.

What is a Spiritual Guide?

Guides are experienced people of prayer who walk with those they are guiding, and can suggest ways of renewing and deepening prayer. They listen as participants speak about their prayer life and can help them clarify what God is saying in prayer.

The monthly meeting with a spiritual guide is a time for the Samuel participant to speak in total confidentially about their prayer-life and their spiritual journey. Participants will share with their guide the question(s) they are bringing before God during the time of the Samuel Group and guides will help them to explore the decisions in the light of prayer.

What happens in the monthly group meeting?

The heart of the group meetings is a time of Lectio Divina or prayer with the Bible. As well as this there will be some social time, and often a guest speaker and time for discussion. The precise details will vary from group to group.

Samuel Group


Depending on Numbers, groups will be meeting in Several locations. Please select the groups which would be best located for you (Groups are normally held on a Sunday afternoon).

One aspect in taking part are monthly meetings outside of group meetings. Do you already have a Spiritual Guide?

If not, please answer the following questions: Have you had experience of being spiritually accompanied before?

Would you have a strong preference for your guide to be male/female?

Anything that is shared with others in the Samuel group is shared in confidence and will not be spoken about with others outside the group. To proceed, please click the box below to agree to this confidentiality agreement

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