About Us
Welcome to Vocations Ireland
Who We Are
Vocations Ireland is an association of the Vocation Directors of the Catholic Religious Orders in Ireland. We work to present religious life, apostolic, missionary and contemplative, as a life choice that is one way of following Christ and bringing deeper meaning and purpose to life.
Director: Margaret Cartwright
Telephone: 01 531 0055
Mobile: 086 782 0149
Email: info@vocationsireland.com
Vocations Ireland
AMRI Office,
c/oMissionaries of Africa
Cypress Grove Road
Dublin 6W YV12
“Meeting of Vocations Ireland Executive at Roscrea January 2019”
Sr Fionnuala Quinn (Dominicans) (Chairperson); Sr Marie Therese Healy (Carmelite for Aged and Infirm); Sr Mary Usifoh (Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles); Fr Colm O’Mahony (Augustinians); Br Malachy Thompson (Cistercians); Br Rupert O’Sullivan (Presentation Brothers); Ms Keilah Blohm (Lay Representative)
Welcome – Ceád Míle Fáilte
The primary task of religious life is to live and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the men and women who are members of religious orders do this through a vast variety of ways- prayer,education, medicine, social work, development work, counseling, pastoral care, media, ecology, art and culture, farming etc. They work not only in Ireland but also all over the world.
Whatever you want to do in your life you can do as a religious. The opportunities are many, the challenge is great and the commitment is total.
Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ said to those who were thinking of following him to “Come and see…” We are here to repeat that same invitation
Many thanks,
What We Do
Vocations Ireland provides information on religious life as well as support and accompaniment for those who are trying to discern if they are called to follow this way of life.
We also provide networking, training conferences and workshops and other resources for the Vocation Directors of the Religious Orders.
We have a comprehensive vocations directory which you can view by clicking here or on the ‘Directory’ button on the main menu above.