In 1205, St. Francis of Assisi heard Our Lord’s words from the Cross, “Francis go repair My Church….”

St. Clare came to share this vocation and passed it on to us, by founding with St. Francis a new Order, the Second Franciscan Order later known as the Poor Clares.

Our monastery in Cork was founded in 1914. Like Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother, we live a simple contemplative life of prayer, in and for the Church and the world.

Jesus Christ is at the heart of the life of a Poor Clare Sister, our enclosed life is seen as a form of return to Jesus for the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. 

Jesus Christ is your life! Do you think He may be calling you to a life of prayer lived close to Him? Why not “Come and See”?!

If for some reason the date of our Vocations Afternoon does not suit, feel free to contact us anytime if you would like to have a informal chat with a sister.