NRVC is putting the finishing touches on our upcoming September 30 webinar for discerners entitled “Fundamentals from call to charism to community living.” It will be the first in a six-part series of free hour-long webinars intended for a varying audience that will provide follow-up to the 2020 NRVC Study on Recent Vocations. Our planning committee respectfully requests that you help us promote the webinar series. And, very specifically, please invite inquirers/discerners to join us on Sept. 30, 2021 at 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific. Please also ask the vocation directors in your International member area to promote the event at colleges, local parishes, and within their own communities.We have an excellent slate of panelists who will provide a 30-minute overview of discernment and religious life today; then there will be 20 minutes of Q & A. It is a mini-masterclass on the basics of contemporary religious life. Please join us along with the discerners you invite! Featured Panelists Sr. Julie Vieira, I.H.M.: Discerning God’s call Sr. Katia Chavez, S.J.S.: Forms of Consecrated life Fr. Luis Romero, C.M.: Community living Br. Kyle Mena, F.S.C.: Charisms and ministries Registration The webinar is free, but we do require all participants to register with their name and email address. Click here to register. Please download the flyer (see link below) to promote the event in your area. You can find more about the upcoming webinar on the NRVC website here. Registration information will also be included in the September NRVC Newsletter. I was looking forward to meeting all of you at the Member Area Coordinators meeting in September, but with the postponement, I have a little longer to look forward to that! Thank you for your assistance and for accepting your role as a Member Area Coordinator. Blessings, |
Sr. Charlene Herinckx, S.S.M.O.773-363-5454 |
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