Issue Number 209March 2022  
‍Nigeria: Itam:  The Family Life Centre and V.V.F. Unit has held its first Free Surgery Camp to help women who suffer from obstetric fistula caused by prolonged or obstructed labour during childbirth. Last year 140 women were treated. Seventy-eight women were completely cured and the rest continue in medical and surgical treatment programmes. Thank you to our donors who help fund these camps. Read the story of one of our patients here.  Nigeria: Fuka: Our Sisters have been having communications difficulties. All their equipment was broken or stolen in a raid last year and since then they have had to travel to the nearest town, Minna, even to make a phone call. There is still unrest in the area. Brazil: Salvador: Massage therapy, as well as psychological support, is being offered to mitigate high stress levels caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Read Sr. Bernadette’s report here.  
Kenya: Nairobi: In October last year the local Government in the Mukuru area began a program of slum clearance to build a new road. It was an effort to improve the living conditions of the thousands of shanty dwellers who dwell in the area. However, the short-term effects were unforeseen.
Little warning was given before the demolition started. Luckily the Sisters, with the help of community members, manage to save the equipment from the building used for Mother and Child Health programmes. The building itself, however was brought down. Read More 
Tanzania:  This year MMM is celebrating 75 years in Tanzania. Congratulations to all our Tanzanian Sisters and Associates.